Who Is the “Right” Person for the Job?

Learn how to get the right person in the right seat with the accountability chart and “GWC”

Putting the right person in the right seat is one of the biggest challenges to overcome when you want to grow your business. Each individual on the team must be motivated, committed, and in alignment with the company’s vision—and they also must be assigned to the right role and have clarity about their responsibilities.

But how do you find that “right” person for each business position? And how do you clarify roles for the organization?

Start by creating an accountability chart and integrate the concept of “GWC:” uncover who gets it, wants it, and has the capacity to do it.

The accountability chart

When it’s unclear who is responsible for what within your organization, or when goals aren’t being met and time is being wasted, create an accountability chart.

This chart indicates the responsibilities of each employee, providing clarity about where each person fits within the organization. Without clearly delineating which worker owns each area, problems are often left unsolved.

First, define the major functions of your business. What makes your organization move? Then, assign each person to each role so that they own that function. Instead of getting caught up on job titles, focus on who’s accountable for what tasks and responsibilities. Don’t let ego get in the way of operations; focus on collectively reaching for goals and achieving what’s best for the business.

The accountability chart helps you compartmentalize who is doing what. You and your team will also better understand where one process ends, and another begins. This supports organizational clarity because knowing who’s accountable helps each problem get solved quickly—which, in turn, helps your business become more efficient.

Using the GWC to find the right people

Now that you understand the benefits of an accountability chart, how do you know where to put which people? Merely creating the chart doesn’t mean that the right individuals are assigned to the proper functions. You need to find out if your people “GWC” the role: Get it, Want it, and have the Capacity to do it.

Get it: The right person just “gets” it. This means fully understanding the role and its responsibilities, and how the position fits into the large organizational structure.

Want it: Some people love what they do, and it’s obvious. The right person will genuinely desire the position.

Capacity to do it: Capacity refers not just to skills and experience but to both the physical and emotional abilities to perform the responsibilities of the role. The right person must be willing and able to meet the requirements of the job.

All three elements of GWC must be present for the right person to sit in the right seat.

Tips for hiring the right people

When hiring new employees, keep these tips in mind to make sure you’re finding the right people for your organization.

1. Clearly define and clarify the role

You won’t get the right candidates applying or interviewing for the job unless you and your team have clearly defined the role. This helps you narrow down exactly what the most critical skillsets are for this person to have.

2. New hires must align with company values

Match up hires with the company culture and values. This involves asking questions that center around your values and mission. Tell candidates about a typical day at work, and ask them if they’re comfortable with that kind of environment. Ask them why they want to work for a business like yours and what their ideal workplace looks like.

3. Be open to hiring externally

It’s always tempting for companies to hire internal candidates for open positions. This often simply makes sense. It can save time and money on the recruiting and hiring process, and motivating internal employees to find their perfect fit within the company should always be encouraged.

However, this is not always the right way to go, and many companies end up with the wrong person for the job because they wanted to support current employees. Be open to interviewing external candidates, too.

4. Follow your instincts

The right person for the job may not fit into a specific box defined by skills and experience. In interviews, follow your instincts about a candidate. Don’t get hung up on checking off a list of qualifications on a resume. Instead, also consider whether their drive, personality, and commitment match up with the job’s needs that are defined on the accountability chart.

When you can create a clear accountability chart and use GWC to make sure the right person is in the right seat, your organization will be far likelier to fill positions effectively.

The team at Provident CPA & Business Advisors assists entrepreneurs and business owners with growth and development plans. Get in touch today to learn about how we help implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).